How to Send a Follow-Up Email After a Job Interview + Examples

Unlock the secret to making a lasting impression after your job interview with our friendly guide. Learn the art of crafting a compelling follow-up email that balances professionalism with personality. Whether you’re expressing gratitude or reinforcing your interest, we’ve got you covered with simple, actionable tips to set you apart.

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Why a Follow-Up Email is Important

Congratulations on completing your job interview! But hold on, your work isn’t done just yet. The follow-up email plays a crucial role in your job search journey.

It’s not just about thanking the interviewer for their time; it’s an opportunity to remind them of your enthusiasm for the role, highlight your relevant skills, and keep the lines of communication open.

In a competitive job market, a well-crafted follow-up email can truly make you stand out from other candidates.

It shows your professionalism, attention to detail, and genuine interest in the position. Let’s dive into how you can master this important step.

Before You Write: Understanding Timing and Tone

When to Send Your Follow-Up Email

Timing is everything when it comes to follow-up emails. Too soon, and you might seem overly eager; too late, and you risk being forgotten.

The sweet spot is usually 24 to 48 hours after your interview. This timeframe shows your promptness and keeps you fresh in the interviewer’s mind without being pushy.

If your interview was on a Friday, consider waiting until Monday to avoid weekend intrusion. Remember, respecting professional boundaries is key.

The Right Tone for Your Follow-Up Email

Striking the perfect tone in your follow-up email is crucial. You want to be professional yet personable, showing your potential employer not just what you bring to the table but also who you are as a person.

Aim for a tone that mirrors the company’s culture and the rapport you established with the interviewer. If the interview was formal, lean towards a more traditional and professional tone.

If it was casual, it’s still important to be professional, but you can adopt a more relaxed and friendly tone. Your goal is to make a connection, reinforcing why you are the ideal candidate for the job while remaining respectful and courteous.

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How to Write a Follow-Up Email

Crafting a memorable follow-up email after your job interview can significantly influence your chances of landing the job. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your message stands out.

Subject Line: Making a Good First Impression

The subject line is your first chance to catch the interviewer’s attention. It should be clear, professional, and related to your interview.

Here are some examples:

          • “Thank You – [Your Name] Interview for [Position Name]”
          • “Great Speaking with You About [Position Name]”
          • “Follow-Up on [Date] Interview – [Your Name]”

Salutation: How to Address the Recipient

Addressing the recipient properly sets the tone of your email.

If you know the interviewer’s name, use it with an appropriate prefix (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.) unless the interview atmosphere suggested first-name basis.

If unsure, “Dear [Interviewer’s Name]” is a safe and respectful choice.

Opening Line: How to Start Your Email

Your opening line should thank the interviewer for their time and reference your meeting to jog their memory.

Consider these starters:

          • “Thank you for taking the time to discuss the [Position Name] role with me.”
          • “I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about [Company Name] and the [Position Name].”

Body: What to Include in Your Message

The body of your email is where you make your case. Remember to:

          • Express Gratitude: Thank the interviewer again for the opportunity and their time.
          • Reiterate Interest: Clearly state your enthusiasm for the role and how you see yourself contributing to the team.
          • Mention Something You Forgot: If there was something important you didn’t get to mention in the interview, briefly include it here.
          • Offer Additional Information: Let them know you’re willing to provide further details or documentation if needed.

Closing: Ending on a Positive Note

Conclude your email with a call to action and a note of thanks. Aim for a closing that invites further communication, such as:

          • “I look forward to hearing from you regarding the next steps in the hiring process.”
          • “Please feel free to contact me if you need any more information or references.”

Sign Off

Sign off with a polite and hopeful closing, such as:

“Best regards,” “Sincerely,” or “Thank you again,” followed by your name.

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This simple layout features a traditional font and the clever use of section borders to help each section of your resume stand out


This distinctive two-column resume template identifies your name and professional experience in a bold color and clean presentation.


A clever design that breaks each of your professional accomplishments into distinct sections while following a format that will pass applicant tracking systems.


The elegant initials, simple header and strategic use of bullet points in this template help keep your professional accomplishments well-organized.


The bold use of a colorblocked heading paired with an elegant resume layout helps your name and contact information stand out.


This structured design combines a two-column approach with bullet points to highlight your key accomplishments and professional history.


A traditional template uses a crisp combination of dark text and thin borders to radiate professionalism. Your name sits prominently above your professional history.


This template’s design features plenty of whitespace neatly divided by gray bars to make the information on your resume easy to read for employers.


This two-column resume conveys a very clear breakdown of its sections that allows a hiring manager to quickly scan your resume.


The subtle color accents in this template add visual pizzazz in a classy way, a great option for most traditional industries.


This resume’s modern design and bold use of color make it pop. Its uniqueness is well-suited to those seeking jobs in creative industries.


Everything about this template is assertive from the boxy layout to its all-caps heading text that gives the impression that you’re all about business.


The understated contact information at the top puts attention front and center on your professional summary, skills, work experience and education sections.


The subtle use of red alongside black gives this template a bold feel while still featuring plenty of white space to make it easy to read.

With professional resume examples to give you direction, your next job is just around the corner.

Sample Follow-Up Emails: Real-Life Examples

Crafting a follow-up email can seem daunting, but these real-life examples should give you a starting point to express your thoughts clearly and effectively.

Example 1: Following Up After a Week

Subject: Follow-Up on [Position Name] Interview – [Your Name]

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my gratitude once again for the opportunity to interview for the [Position Name] position last week. I enjoyed our conversation about [something specific discussed in the interview] and learning more about [Company Name].

I am very enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and to further discuss how I can support your team in achieving its goals. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Example 2: Expressing Continued Interest

Subject: Continued Interest in [Position Name] – [Your Name]

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you once again for the chance to discuss the [Position Name] role at [Company Name]. After reflecting on our conversation, my excitement about the opportunity and my belief in my ability to contribute positively to your team have only grown.

I am particularly interested in [mention something specific about the role, company, or project discussed during the interview] and am eager to bring my skills in [your skills or experiences relevant to the discussion] to your team.

Please let me know if there are any further steps I can take or information I can provide. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

Example 3: Adding Value After the Interview

Subject: Excited About the Opportunity to Contribute to [Company Name] – [Your Name]

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for the insightful conversation we had regarding the [Position Name] at [Company Name]. Reflecting on our discussion, I wanted to share an idea that I believe could benefit the [specific project or challenge discussed during the interview].

[Insert a brief outline of your idea or suggestion, demonstrating how it aligns with the company’s goals or could solve a problem discussed.]

I am passionate about the possibility of contributing to [Company Name] and am convinced that my background in [your background/skills] can help make a difference in this area.

I appreciate your time and consideration and am looking forward to the possibility of working together.

[Your Name]

These examples illustrate different scenarios where a follow-up email can reaffirm your interest, clarify your qualifications, or even offer additional value to potential employers. Tailor these templates to your own experiences and the specific details of your interviews for the most impact.

Follow Up Email Tips

Navigating post-interview communication can be tricky. Here are some additional tips to ensure you follow up effectively, handle silence, and deal with rejection gracefully.

How to Follow Up Without Being Pushy

          • Be Patient: Allow the hiring process to take its course. If you’ve sent your initial follow-up email, wait a week or two before reaching out again.
          • Express Gratitude: Always start with a thank you. Gratitude goes a long way and prevents your follow-up from seeming demanding.
          • Be Concise: Keep your follow-up emails brief and to the point. Respect the recipient’s time by not overloading them with information.
          • Offer Flexibility: Show understanding of the hiring process’s demands by offering flexibility in your availability for further discussions.

What to Do If You Don’t Get a Response

          • Keep It Professional: If you haven’t received a response after two follow-up attempts, it’s time to move on. Continue to express your interest in the company and your appreciation for the opportunity to interview.
          • Expand Your Network: Use this as an opportunity to ask if they can keep you in mind for future opportunities or if they have any feedback on your application.
          • Stay Positive: Remember, a lack of response is not a reflection of your worth or abilities. Keep applying and stay optimistic.

How to Handle a Rejection Email

          • Respond with Gratitude: Thank the person for their time and the opportunity to interview. Express appreciation for being considered.
          • Seek Constructive Feedback: Politely ask if they can provide any feedback from your interview that you can use to improve. Not everyone will provide feedback, but it’s worth asking.
          • Keep the Door Open: Let them know you’re still interested in future opportunities at the company and would like to be considered for future openings that fit your skills and experiences.

Key Takeaways

Follow-up emails are more than just a post-interview courtesy; they’re a strategic tool in your job search arsenal. They give you a chance to reinforce your interest, highlight your strengths, and leave a lasting impression.

Here are some key takeaways to remember:

          • Timing and Tone are Crucial: Send your follow-up email 24 to 48 hours after the interview to maintain momentum, and adjust your tone to match the company culture and the rapport you established during the interview.
          • Craft a Memorable Subject Line: Your subject line should be clear, professional, and personalized, making a good first impression and encouraging the recipient to open your email.
          • Personalize Your Message: Address the recipient by name, express genuine gratitude for the interview opportunity, reiterate your interest in the position, and mention any relevant points you didn’t cover during the interview.
          • Provide Value in Your Follow-Up: Share any additional thoughts or ideas that demonstrate how you can contribute to the company, reinforcing your suitability and enthusiasm for the role.
          • Handle Silence and Rejection Professionally: If you don’t receive a response, it’s acceptable to send a second follow-up after a couple of weeks. In case of rejection, respond graciously, thank them for their consideration, and express interest in future opportunities.
Pro Tip:

Remember, the goal of a follow-up email is to remind the interviewer of your conversation, demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role, and convey your unique value proposition.


Updated: March 14, 2024

It’s appropriate to follow up twice: once within 24 to 48 hours after the interview to thank them and express your interest, and a second time about 1-2 weeks later if you haven’t heard back. Beyond that, it’s best to move on while keeping the door open for future opportunities.

Absolutely. Personalizing your follow-up emails shows that you're genuinely interested in the role and attentive to details. Reference specific discussions from your interview and align your message with the company’s values and culture.

Yes, politely asking for feedback in your follow-up email after a rejection can provide valuable insights for future interviews. However, keep in mind not every employer will provide detailed feedback, but it's worth asking.

Expressing continued interest is all about balance. Highlight your enthusiasm for the role and how you can contribute to the company, but also convey that you respect the hiring process and timeline. Always thank the interviewer for their consideration.

Email is generally the best way to follow up after an interview. It provides a written record of your communication and allows the recipient to respond at their convenience. Phone follow-ups can be seen as intrusive unless previously suggested by the interviewer.


Conor McMahon, CPRW

Conor McMahon, CPRW

Conor is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) for He has over three years of professional writing experience as well as experience in professional development training. As a member of the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC) Conor has written on career development topics ranging from resume and cover letter best practices, employer/employee communication, job seeking help, and more. He received his degree in Music Industry at Northeastern University and plays guitar in his free time.

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